putting granite staters over politics
David’s Priorities
The recent Dobbs ruling, ending a constitutional right to abortion, by the United States Supreme Court is unsettling. Now, women are reliant upon state legislators to preserve their right to an abortion. New Hampshire, unlike the rest of New England, is the only state to impose restrictions on women’s access to an abortion.
My stance on this is issue is clear: The right to control one’s body is a basic right.
David believes every child in New Hampshire is entitled to a quality education and the chance to choose their own destiny. As a public servant, he has fought to ensure that all publicly-funded educational institutions have the funding and resources they deserve.
Previously, David fought to secure increased adequacy aid for District 4 schools and secured $13.5 million for Dover’s Career and Technical Education Center. He also sponsored legislation that established commissions to examine innovative private/public partnerships for CTE education, explore best practices in child sexual abuse prevention education, and ways to address teacher shortages and recruitment incentives.
A champion for special education, David’s bills establishing an office of the advocate for special education and funding for special education costs for students over age 21 until their 22nd birthday were signed and enacted by the governor.
As an educator and a union member, David will continue to be a voice for the hardworking citizens who educate our children. He understands that public education is essential to our economy and civic life and will not let the state abandon its responsibility of shared funding for our schools and higher education.
To learn more about David’s vision for a 21st-Century education system, please click here.
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